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I feel i am missing a crucial link in my design and i was hoping some fine programmer could fill me in (this is not really my field of experience)What I have page - form.html\[code\]<div style="text-align:left"><form action="addtoserver.php" method="post">Server Name: <input type="text" name="servername"><br><br>Server Address: <input type="text" name="serveraddress"><br><br>Port Number: <input type="text" name="portnumber"><br><br>Server Description :<TEXTAREA NAME="description" ROWS=3 COLS=30 ></TEXTAREA><br><input name="Submit" type="submit" value="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15759144/Add Server" /></form><div style="text-align:left">\[/code\]page - addtoserver.php\[code\]<html><body>Server Name :<?php echo $_POST["servername"]; ?><br><br>Server Address : <?php echo $_POST["serveraddress"]; ?><br><br>Port Number : <?php echo $_POST["portnumber"]; ?><br><br>Server Description : <?php echo $_POST["description"]; ?><br><?php$ip = $_POST['serveraddress'];$port = $_POST['portnumber'];if (!$socket = @fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, 30)){ echo "<centre><font color='red'><strong>Server Is Offline!</strong></font></center>";}else { echo "<centre><font color='green'><strong>Server Is Online!</strong></font></centre>"; fclose($socket);}?></body></html> \[/code\]Everything is all gravyPurpose I designed this for the purpose of my website a user will click a link "Add server" and will be directed to the form page, they will fill out the form page and once submitted be directed to the addserver.php page. On this page i wont the post to pertinently stay there and the next user to to come in and add his server and for that post to be listed underneath. My Dilemma I am not sure what the next step is to take, would i have to add the users input to Mysql and then export it from Mysql to the page or is there another way. would i have to rite a PHP script in order to get the posts to come in one after the other if imported from the data base.Thank you for your timeBen