Saving Files to the Server.


I was wondering how i could have a user save files to my server.<br />
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I want the to be able to store a file from thier computer, onto the server.<br />
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Also, how would i check to see whast the file size that they are saving is so that i can set limits on how large the files they save are.<br />
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Can anyone help me?<br />
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Thanks.<!--content-->If you have server-side processing available then you can have your user do a form-based upload (using the input type="file" widget). You cannot, however, know the size of the file until it is on the server.<!--content-->Thanks.<br />
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How would i go about writing the code for the server-side processing?<!--content-->I'd use the Perl module to handle it if Perl is available. Someone else here could probably say how PHP would do it. Your process on the server has to handle a multipart/form-data type request.<!--content-->Do you know of any good code examples that would help me?<!--content--><br />
that is a sample upload form made with (It is disabled, its saving to the x (not real) drive because that server runs off my home machine and I do not want people putting files on it)<br />
The source code is<br />
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To use this you will need to be on a windows server (iis) with the .net framework installed, or a linux server (apache) with the mono project installed.<br />
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Using and other server side technologies you can allow users to upload images, resize them to make thumbnails and save them in a dir or add them to a db and other thigns to make real world applications such as image galleries.<!--content-->The module docs have an example. It's very simple to use.<!--content-->you could set up the filezilla ftp server<br />
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