Saved QueryString into MS SQL DB Now need to convert it into a string/array?


New Member
I have saved a really big QueryString into a MS SQL column the string looks something like this:\[code\]&s1=Toledo,OH&s2=Chicago,IL&s3=Madison,WI.....and so on...\[/code\]I would like to be able to do/have something like this in ASP-Classic:\[code\]Dim s1,s2,s3,s4....and son on...s1="Toledo,OH"s2="Chicago,IL"s3="Madison,WI".....and son on.....\[/code\]I would like to be able to call them like I would a QueryString for example a QueryString call would be Request.QueryString("s1") or I can use Do and loop all of the Request.QueryString("s" & i) until the query ="" then I would Exit the Do.But how would I make all of this happen if I saved it the query.string into a MS DB Column?Please help,Thank you...