save dynamic data from a http req into a xml


New Member
Hi could any one suggest me how to save the data rendered from the http request. I am able to get the information from the sever but i am not able to display the whole information.I Need to save the rendered data into an xml and then display the result in a data grid.i have worked on displaying in a data grid. Now i need help to save the data in the xml. the responce is in an xml. The http request has a dynamic URL so i need to send the request in a loop.\[code\]private function xyz(event:MouseEvent):void { var i : int; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++); xmlUrl="http://the URL /"+(dynamic string.ID); var.url=xmlUrl; var.send(); }\[/code\]This is the function i am using.. i need to save the data i get from the service in a xml. Please help ! .Thanks in anticipation.