I am a 2 and Half years experienced developer in ABAP. I also create custom applications using J2EE as and when required ( I am quite comfortable in Java and RIA technologies too). In my organization, along with SAP, Microsoft sharepoint is also being used. My seniors are asking me to work on share point also.Even though I don't know .net, I am confident that with couple of weeks sincere effort I can learn it. My real concern is.. being a person from SAP world, will it make any sense to work on sharepoint..? Also.. All these technologies are more or less like rival to each other.. so I am not sure, working on all these will gives me any edge or back fires.Please suggest me whether to go ahead and further diversify my skills or to stick to my current skills and dig deep into them.I am sure a lot of people here are highly experienced and sure have faced such situation in their career. Your suggestions will be really helpful for me and I will be very thankful for your valuable suggestions.