The sandbox is having a major effect on SEO and so I think should be discussed.A few questions about the sandbox which I think should be brought up.1. How long do links take to get added to your site.2. If you stop paying for links, how long to they take to dissapear.3. are links from inside your site sandboxed.4 if links are already in place and you change the text in them will that be sandboxed???5 are any other engines utilizing this effect?5 any more info available.[fade]If we understand better, we can rank better.........[/fade]The benefits of Sandbox is thankfully alive now but the processes where sites was "Sandboxed" happened early this year. No sites should be in the Sandbox state now.Before sandbox we could rank pretty easy by buying loads of links from one website to give you a huge boost. After Sandbox the toolbar PR stayed the same but the rankings of the sites with loads of links form one or two sites dropped in the rankings. I believe these types of links gave a similar boost as links from your own pages.Also many believe that you cant just buy loads of domains and link to it unless you buy unique class C Ips (very costly).Happy days to us all.So is sandbox still in affect for new links and sites??your not very clear, sorryI believe the name Sandbox was given last December when sites dropped from the rankings for a long time while Google measured the results or something... i am no expert.The results was a much better search experience for us and even though these sites are back they don