Have read alot about this lately, but ashamed to say I still don't get it.Can someone explain the concept to me?Also, people have mentioned that searching Keyword1 Keyword2 -adf -asdfa -qreqwr -tytyut -bvxbv -eqreqw -erqwrqew -nbncb will bypass the "sandbox filter". What does bypassing that filter achieve? Is that what results will look like once a site is out of the sandbox? Is it a good thing or bad thing to have your site show up higher with the filter off? I'll shut up know, as I'm really showing my ignorance. Any help is appreciated.The sandbox effect is a theory why some new sites get high positioning and then all of a sudden they totally drop out. They get put in the "sandbox" to play with all the other new sites, away from the grownups (authority sites). This is only a theory and is based on the Hilltop theory which gives better positioning to sites that have been in the index for a greater deal of time. The more sites you can get to link to you that link to these authority sites, the more of chance you have to look like an authority site, therefore getting out of the sandbox.Bypassing the filter is what they used to do alot during the Florida update. This shows what your positioning would be without the filter put on your site.With the positioning when the filter is off, I guess it all depends on what position you are in.Thanks vetofunk.I'm still confused (not really surprising I suppose). For my keywords, I'm #1 (and #2) with the filter off. With it on, I'm #51.So the thought is that I need more links in order to "turn the filter off" for a normal search (without additional "-" terms)? Or is this a time-based issue where the filter is turned off on certain sites after a certain amount of time?Maybe I just need a drink ...So right now when you search for your keywords on Google, your #1 and #2? Well you should have nothing to worry about. You do not know if this filter will run on you. It is only a theory why this happens to some new sites. I wouldn't worry about it until you lose positioning. For now, try to get as many backlinks from sites within your business area.I wish!!! Right now I am #51. After I add "-adksfa - aqerqwe ..." to my keywords I show up as #1 and #2.Obviously I'm trying to figure out why ... and how to get my sites positioned as they are when I add "-adksfa - aqerqwe ...".Is this something that will resolve itself in time and I will have the #1 and #2 places (*fingers crossed*) or is there something I need to be doing?Now thoroughly confused and considering burying my head in the Sandbox!!!Oh, so its the other way around. Well right now I would look at your biigest competitors backlinks and try to get links from as many of them as you can. Get a DMOZ listing, a Yahoo Directory listing, a business.com listing if it works for your business, and other directory listings.Thanks Vetofunk.Frustrating, but what else is new.So you think your site is in this "sandbox"? Is your site new and did it once have great positioning and then suddenly loose it? You may just have a new site, and with new sites takes time to get good positioning.Not sure if I'm sandboxed or not. But clearly something is going on in terms of filtering.My site is about 7 months old. However the terms I'm looking for are on new pages (2-3 weeks old).Had great positioning with other keywords that dropped significantly in mid-March.Thoughts?You mind posting the URL and the pages/keywords in question.Not at all.The pages are http://www.runyourpool.com and http://www.runyourpool.com/nfl-football-pools.cfm.Keywords are NFL Confidence PoolWithout additional "-" keywords they show up on the 7th and 5th pages respectively.When additional "-" keywords are added, they show up #1 and #2 overall.Thanks for looking.Well the first thing I am going to tell you is that your PR is very low, its a 3 for the homepage. Your keyword focused pages is a PR of 0. I would get your directory listings and get others to link to your homepage and a few to link to that actual keyword focused page. I see that your waiting for a DMOZ listings. You should get a few others including a Yahoo Directory listing. Once these start going, your positioning will increase.Sounds good. I actually just got added to DMOZ a few days ago ... but assume that will take some time to show up, along with some of the other links I've obtained recently. However, looking at the #1 site listed, I'm not too impressed with a PR4 and 5 backlinks. http://sportsgambling.about.com/cs/offi ... 61703a.htmIts part of http://www.about.com, thats the reason they are number 1.Figured as much.Thanks, as always, Vetofunk!