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I have a dropdown with all my client's list. If I need to edit any client, I would want to select any client in the drop dpwn and the details of the client are seen below.<BR>I have reached the stage where I got the details of the first record in that table, using datalist. But I need the detail of the client selected in the drop down.<BR>In classic Asp we would do something like<BR><BR>Select * from Clients Where client_ID = Request("select")<BR><BR>Any help<BR>thanxYou should be able to use a simple OnClick event to call a sub that identifies which list item has been selected. <BR><BR>Hope this helps.......<BR><BR>Tom T<BR><BR><Script runat="server"><BR><BR> Dim PickedItem as String<BR><BR> Sub PickOne(s As Object, e As EventArgs )<BR><BR> PickedItem = ListStuff.SelectedItem.Text<BR><BR> Select * from Clients Where client_ID = PickedItem<BR><BR> End Sub<BR><BR><BR></Script><BR><BR><ASP
ropDownList <BR> id="ListStuff" <BR> onClick="PickOne" <BR> runat="Server" /><BR>