Ryan Brill Liquid Layout Problem


I am working hard at learning CSS and find the behaviour of floats a little maddening. When they don't do what I expect I find troubleshooting very hard. Here is an example. I worked through Ryan Brill's Creating Liquid Layouts with Negative Margins (from A List Apart) and found it very helpful. I decided to modify the three column liquid format into a static size of 800px across, centered in the browser viewport, as a learning exercise.

I ran into three problems, all related, that I cannot figure out. I had to put a space in the header - if I take it out, the sidebar goes up into the banner. I had to move the sidebar before the content, which is a no-no for text readers. And third, the column headers for the three columns don't line up. So, I've mucked it up pretty bad. If anyone wants to take a look, there really isn't that much code. Go HERE (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.glenngilchrist.com">http://www.glenngilchrist.com</a><!-- m -->) if you dare. The stylesheet is spfeed.css at the same location. Any help would be greatly appreciated.:confused:No the same method, but the layout is the same.Thanks for looking at this. It certainly works - now I'll try to figure out why mine didn't.Here's a start:
h1 {margin: 0;} /* level the headers */
#wrapper {
margin:auto; /* center document in FF */
background: url(images/background_2.gif) repeat-y right;
width: 800px;
}What I find interesting is that while there are three columns (left sidebar, main content and right sidebar) you never use a float:right - everything is floated left. That's why I find that the way things float is not always intuitive.It depends on the situation:
with columns I usually float:left, but the right column could be float:right.
with images and short chunks of text that need to be on the right, float:right.
MaxDesign (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://css.maxdesign.com.au/floatutorial/">http://css.maxdesign.com.au/floatutorial/</a><!-- m -->) and BigBaer (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.bigbaer.com/css_tutorials/css.float.html.tutorial.htm">http://www.bigbaer.com/css_tutorials/cs ... torial.htm</a><!-- m -->) show some of the possibilities.Great references - thanks again.