running an Application on the client. . .


Hi! I just made this page for my work that's going on our local intranet, but it requires an exe be run as the client's NTID, but off a server. I tried creating a link and just directly linking to it, but it runs it as localServe\ASPNET on the server, and errors out. So, any help would be awesome!

JoelThis is a hard one. I think that any access to the server via the web application will be run as that localServer\ASPNET user.

If you use windows based authentication, then this may work differenly as it authenticates the users using IIS. Their computer name may then be used instead of the localServer\ASPNET, however even if that works you would still have to set up account for all the users in IIS.

I suggest running a few more searches for an exact answer :)

Have a good day.edit: Misread the question, sorry.well, if i can get the application to just Download on the client computer (that little 'Open' 'Save' 'Cancel' box) i'd be good as gold, but it won't do it! I'm on a local intranet, and the link just runs the app! I would love for the program to be able to be DLed. Is there anything that i need to do to allow .exe files to be Download ed?

Joelk, so i've found this for forcing a file Download
private void run_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=ClipBoard01.exe");
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream";

but if you click open, it runs as internet stuff and doesnt' give access to the clipboard. I was thinking, would a .bat file work better? It's on a local intranet. . . so i think it will work. . .nope, it didn't work. It gave me an error message. It says, "The application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy. . . To grant this application the required permissions. . .use th Microsoft .NET security policy administration tool." So i did, i've loaded the assemblies into the GAC, it has a strong name, it's in the trusted zone, so it should work, but it's not! why isn't it working?k, i fixed it. I went into the .NET configure program, and added the file as a trusted assembly. Well, it works now.