run SWF file behind Div Layer


I have a HTML design where there are two main elements. One a Javascript Drop down menu and the other a swf file. The problem is when the fly-out (drop down) menu gets working, the flash/swf file is above it, disabling the view of the drop down menu. I understand it has to do with the z-order which browsers use to keep flash/java applets on top. Is there a way out? The link to the current design is<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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Thanks for your time.<br />
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Manish<!--content-->the menu came up for me, although that fade in (if intentional and not part of the problem) is pretty annoying!<br />
You're after z-index used in layers, place the menu on a layer above the flash<br />
<br /> {position:absolute;top:100px;left:100px;z-index:2;}<br />
div.flash{position:absolute;top:100px;left:100px;z-index:1;}<br />
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you would then have to alter the positioning of the divs, and if you want them positioned abolutely or relatively. But here you are straying from table layout to css layout, here's some more ways of <br />
css (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) layout<!--content-->I did find the solution to this in another forum.<br />
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Add this line to the Object tag<br />
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<param name="WMode" value="Transparent"><br />
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That should do it.<br />
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Thanks,<br />
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Manish<!--content-->i'm glad you shared that, i don't deal wish flash that much. I read a bit about what you posted and apparently it sends the flash animation to the background!I'll have to remember that! :)<!--content-->hmmnn.... setting transparency to a flash object just allows you to see through it. The flash object will always appear on top of all divs and layers because of the way that the browser and OS handle the active x plugin.<!--content-->Oddly enough, making the flash transparent works in IE 6.0. Opera 7.0, however, still puts the flash on top of the menus. The menus don't work at all in Mozilla 1.3.<br />
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I assume that the menus don't actually contain any links? I hope they don't, because they don't work if they should be links.<!--content-->Yes, I have discovered that the transparency issue does not work with Netscape (Except version 7 perhaps)or Mozilla. Perhaps the only solution here is to create separate pages for IE and NN.<!--content-->