Run code in Wordpress


New Member
I've written some simple code in\[code\]Partial Class _Default Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click If TextBox1.Text = "30%off" Then Response.Redirect("") Else MsgBox("Please Enter a Valid Coupon!") End If End SubEnd Class\[/code\]Now what I have done is from the source of the debug output i got:\[code\]<form method="post" action="Default.aspx" id="form1"><div class="aspNetHidden"><input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE" value="" /></div><div class="aspNetHidden"> <input type="hidden" name="__EVENTVALIDATION" id="__EVENTVALIDATION" value="" /></div> <div> &nbsp;<span id="Label1">PROMOTION CODE :</span> <input name="TextBox1" type="text" id="TextBox1" style="height:16px;width:211px;margin-left: 3px; margin-bottom: 0px" /> <input type="submit" name="Button1" value="" id="Button1" style="width:101px;margin-left: 1px" /> </div> </form>\[/code\]Now what I want to do is just paste this as a snippet in Wordpress. However when I paste the code and press the submit button I get a 404 not found; is there a way out like running iframes etc?