Run a program from a html page . . .


New Member
I have linked several programs from my C: drive to a webpage I've built which is to remain offline.

When I call on them to run, stupid IE asks me if I would like to run the program from it's current location, or if I would like to save the file to disk, so of course I don't want to save the file so I run the file. Then the annoying security feature imposseses and asks me if I want to go threw with this since the software has no certificates. Well I sure do IE, because I know were they've been and what they are.

Is there anyway to set up a code that can:
a. Automatically select run file from current location
b. Totally avoid being asked these things with out lowering my all around security.
c. atleast have the Run from it's current location's radio button set as the default button, to save me some time by having to select it, (the save to disk radio button is the default).

I know this makes me sound lazy but other's here use the program as well and they keep whining about the extra steps to the programs. I have to admit they are annoying (the extra steps that is, :p). Any help, any one?

Thanks in advance!

Code One