

New Member
1, Use Search before requesting hacks or Help, repeat offenders will be warned / banned.

2, Use search before posting hacks to reduce the chance of duplicate uploads

3, No Flaming of other members FOR ANY REASON, if you have a problem report it for dealing with correctly, Racist comments or images will not be tolerated.

4, If size allows all uploads should be made via attachments, failing to do this will result in you post / link being deleted.

5, Anyone found to be uploading hacks containing viruses or with software built in with the intention of hacking others boards will be banned.

6, No stolen DB to be uploaded.

7, All file names of GYSN releases must be unaltered from the original release.

8, Staff decision is final

9, no tools or discussions about stealing information or breaking in to forums.

10, It is not allowed to post two exactly the same topics on both GYSN and vBTEAM; if you have a question regarding vBulletin or vBulletin hacks, post them on vBTEAM; questions regarding other scripts or coding itself, post on GYSN.

11, Our forum is open to all ages so do not swear in your posts.

12, Do not bump a post within a 24 hour window or it will be deleted.

13, Advertising for staff here at vBTEAM is not allowed.

14, We removed the hosting forums for a reason, adverting hosting is not allowed (in any form) this includes usernames and sigs, your account will be deleted or sig removed if found doing so.

15, Styles & skins not allowed to be posted:
  • Any by That1design (inc Crazy-coderz)
  • Any by Xevert Designs Studio (Paid)
  • The hybridsoft skin
  • & of course our own
This list is not exhaustive and may be added to at anytime as required so check back regularly
Rule 12 added, though really this is a well known universal "unwritten rule" some of you don't seem to abide by it so its now been added to the list.
Rule 14 added due to some members not getting the point of the hosting forums being removed earlier this year.