Rudimentary animation


I realize that this thread might be moved to a more appropriate forum, but at this point, it's not obvious to me which one to post to. I'm sort of new to HTML, so bear with me......<br />
What I would like to do is have a visitor, upon deciding to enter my site, click on a button in a navigation frame to open a garage door to reveal an image map (after they flick on the light switch, of course!) Is there anyway for a background image to roll up to reveal the darkened image map without me having to learn alot of coffee pot programming or flash? <br />
I'm from what some people might call an artsy fartsy background, so bear with me as I try to create using minimal materials. Anybody can do magic tricks if they have the time and money. If you want, you can check out <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> to see what I mean. It was my first site, and I already had the photos, so in three weeks,(or weeds, I can't remember), I had to learn HTML, FTP, scanning, negotiating with providers and the customer (my wife!). I'm pretty proud of it, but I knew about two weeks into the project that I was already thinking about HelenB version 2.0. <br />
So, any ideas about the garage door? No hurry, and take care.<!--content-->you can use meta tags for page transitions. make it go from dark to your page.<!--content-->Hi Android,<br />
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To answer your question specifically, no, you can not make the background image move up or down or sideways. But there is no need for that. What you want to do can be done using DHTML, the D meaning dynamic, as in motion. Its the marraige of JAVAScript and HTML to produce more dynamic webpages than is possible using only HTML and GIFs. <br />
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The good news is that there are lots of DHTML effects already written by others that can be used for your purposes. Like a garage door opening could be done with layers. Click on an image and a layer (the image of the garage door) could be set in motion and an image that is underneath that layer would be revealed.<br />
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Start at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> to find DHTML effects that with a bit of imagination and work you can use for your own purposes.<br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Hey friend!<br />
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Listen Brother,<br />
I suffer from what I call 'Flashfear' too, but a great nay excellent app you should get is SWISH (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)<br />
It rules because it's easy to use I mean really easy.<br />
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Well hell if I managed to do basic stuff, Man it's gotta be! :p<br />
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Do the tutorials that come with it.<br />
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You can Download <!--more--> a trial for free of course ;)<br />
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Good luck! It sounds cool!<br />
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