RSS Feeds, XML, and date-dependent content?


New Member
Hello all,

I'm an XML newbie who's about to dive in and put together an RSS feed for a "today in history" section on a website. I understand XML markup with no problem (I've been coding HTML/CSS for years, so I vaguely know how it works), but I'm not sure how to go about the task at hand.

I have 730 text files - one for every day of the year, in both English and French. I'm hoping to get the RSS feed to call up the correct content for the day of the year that the visitor arrives at my site. In other words, if it's June 11th, the visitor will go to the site and see content specifically tailored to June 11th.

Is this even possible, and should I make 730 RSS feeds/XML files, or 1 huge one?
Any thoughts would be appreciated!