When creating multiple applications (sites) for a single company, where you have more than one contract company developing against the same server, and where the single server will host all the applications (sites) which method do you suggest:<BR><BR>Create a "Root Site" for each application www.company.application1.com, www.company.application2.com, www.company.application3.com<BR><BR>Or<BR><BR>Create a "Virtual Directory" for each application under the company "Root Site" such as www.company.com/application1, www.company.com/application2, www.company.com/application3, <BR><BR>The main concern is stability and security. I asked the engineering team at my regional MS office if the Virtual Directory method would isolate each application from the other and that if one errant application crashed would it effect any of the others - they could not provide an answer.<BR><BR>My path has always been to create one site per application so that each site is isolated from the other - this prevents one crash from killing the others.<BR><BR>In our case, a contractor is stating that a root with many virtual directories is the path to take, and that every virtual directory site has it's own threads, memory, and does not affect any of the child sites off the root site. <BR><BR>Since I don't know, and even MS can't answer this question, I was hoping that someone here might be able to?the Multiple developper environment is tricky but you should have every developper to develop locally and put in on a web server once the application is tested . As far as crashing application , you should set the application to run in a separate memory space , this will prevent to get all the ressource of a server if case of an infinit loop.<BR>search IIS help for process running in it's own memory space.<BR>( i don't recall the exact term , it's been a while )I have already looked at the process isolation levels, but the real question is: Which is better on overall performance? <BR><BR>Should I use virtual directories for sub sites, or should I create individual root sites for all sub applicaitons and redirect between them (there are is no shared session information between apps).<BR><BR>I'm for isolation by using individual sites, and not using virtual directories off the main site.Ok this is quite interesting , I begin to question myself (again ??) ;-) Sorry I can't help , this is beyond my knowledge of IIS and Maybe you'll find more info in the Architecture section of MSDN or try this link<BR>http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/01/03/default.asp