I'm tasked with defining communication between two web apps. I've decided to use JSON for this. How common is it to have a root node in the JSON?Let's say we have a car object. This is the JSON with "Car" being the root node:\[code\]{"Car": { "Make":"Mustang", "YearBuilt":"1999"}}\[/code\]So now let's say I have a Tire object and since we are standardizing on having root nodes, this one also has to have it.\[code\]{"Tire": {"Make": "Brirdgestone", "Size":"15"}}\[/code\]Integrating the tire object JSON into the original Car object shows how unwieldy it could be. \[code\]{"Car": { "Make":"Mustang", "YearBuilt":"1999","Tires": "[{"Tire": {"Make": "Brirdgestone", "Size":"15"}},{"Tire": {"Make": "Brirdgestone", "Size":"15"}},{"Tire": {"Make": "Bridgestone", "Size":"15"}},{"Tire": {"Make": "Brirdgestone", "Size":"15"}}]}}\[/code\]So serialized in PHP, the make of the first Tire would be \[code\]$object->Car->Tires[0]->Tire->Make\[/code\]. There's that extra Tire level there because of the root node.If Tire did not have the root node the code could be a lot slimmer.\[code\]{"Car": { "Make":"Mustang", "YearBuilt":"1999","Tires": "[{ {"Make": "Bridgestone", "Size":"15"}},{"Make": "Brirdgestone", "Size":"15"}},{"Make": "Brirdgestone", "Size":"15"}},{"Make": "Brirdgestone", "Size":"15"}}]}}\[/code\]In PHP, there's less confusion because there's less redundancy: The make of the first tire is called by \[code\]$object->Car->Tires[0]->Make\[/code\]Is there anything bad by not having a root node? I like having the root node because it acts likes a class name, but needless levels bug me a lot and will make traversing more complex.