I made my webiste http://www.starrproductions.com from scratch about eight or nine months ago, and up until about two months ago I was indexed in Google, but then out of nowhere I was dropped altogether.....Still haven't figured out why, but I believe my coding is messed up somewhere. But one page in my website is still indexed in Google....http://www.starrproductions.com/SPECIAL-DISCOUNTS.htmlObviously this page doesn't do too much for it to be indexed.....I already e-mailed Google asking how do I get back in about two weeks ago, and from what I've read should E-mail them again soon, and then follow-up wih a phone call.....Can anybody see anything specifically wrong with my site to let me know why it may have been dropped?And also what should I do to get back in Google?Thanks in advance....Hi derrick,I tried searching Google with some text I took exactly from one of your unindexed pages :http://www.google.ie/search?hl=en&q=%22 ... arch&meta=it returned a result from http://www.bwallacephotography.com. I'm guessing here that the site originally existed under this domain and you moved it to the starrproductions domain, correct?If this is the case I am guessing that Google dropped most of your page because of duplicate content...What do u think?"bwallacephotography" was a site I was going to do for a photogrpaher friend of mine, but it never got finished, but I used part of that unfinished website as a page within my website for a small amount of time. I even removed bwallacephotography from my Homestead account, but it still shows up as you noticed. I don't know how else to get rid of the doman name, also why would Google take out starrproductions.com but leave bwallacephotography.....doesn't make much sense......Also bwallacephotography was "online" on my website when I was indexed in Google, seems like I ersaed it from my Homestead account I get dropped.....A fellow homestead user heheSwanSo what's the next step........I am here for advice just like you.....I have not had the problem you are haveing. I wish I could hely you. Sorry. I would call homestead again and be frank.SwanI have a brief understanding of what could have happened also, I went into my homestead account and found out that the domain name "bwallace" that I thought I deleted wasn't totally deleted, Homestead just made both bwallace and starrproductions domains point to my main site starrproductions.com thus producing duplicate websites under two different domain names.... Call them up and have them totally remove the one you don't want, I have done that and everything is fine. Also delete all the files in your "file manager" that pertain to the site you do not want, so that they will not be published.SwanThe easiest thing to do might be a 301 redirect from the old URL.Google really has a problem with duplicate URLs and page content !!!OK how do I do that..... I have an idea how, but I want to make sure......I find it very weird. I dont think it is duplicate content or 301. If google thinks you have duplicate contents, all yr pages should be dropped from google . totally. but instead you have a page left?maybe they forgot to drop that last page? Lol.should follow up with an email to google in yr nicest tone. OK, have to follow-up with Google, but how do I do the 301 redirect.......For now what I have done is give the http://www.bwallacephotography.com a 404 site error message, stating that "bwallace" was an attempt at building a second website for http://www.starrproductions.com but never materialized. I also put the link for the real site http://www.starrproductions.comAt least now no search engines can say I have duplicate content, hopefully this is a move in the right direction....Is there a html code or something I should put on the site error page to direct the spiders to http://www.starrproductions.com without looking shady to Google? It's not like I receive any traffic from "bwallace" never knew it was "published" until about a week ago.....Came back this morning from a NYE party and noticed something I didn't see for a long time...I put starrproductions.com in the ol' Google search and I got my homepage listed...the part where is says see (cached, similiar sites, blah, blah, blah) this wasn't there before when I tried this....I opened the cached part of Google's version of my site, and it stated (if I'm understanding this correctly) that the Googlebot visited my site at 11:59:59 1969 on NYE... A little freaky, so what does this mean, was this a Google glitch or something, or am I on my way back to recovery???