Roll Over Buttons


Roll over boy...good boy..<br />
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Ok, I hope I don't start a major discussion, but yes I still use FrontPage for some stuff, I'm sorry. With that out of the way...<br />
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What are some recommendations on rollover buttons?<br />
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The easiest I've found is a FrontPage component (a built in Java script from MS) for rollovers. It works but I'm not 100% satisfied. The only other way I know to do one is in Macromedia Fireworks. I would like to hear what other people use if you don't mind.<br />
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Thanks<!--content-->Frontpage sucks soooooooooooooo bad. You would be better off not posting your page than using their bad HTML. Anyways, FrontPage buttons also suck, and if you are trying to hide that you use FrontPage for your site then I would suggest just not using theirs. Mouse-over links are not bad, rather than buttons. I think they even look nicer than buttons anyways.<!--content-->You could try the CoffeeCup Applet Button Factory. It's $25 to buy, but you can Download <!--more--> a trial version.<br />
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Check out the samples:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->their are plenty of good rollover scripts on 123webmaster, just look under java script, I am sure you will find script you can alter, as long as you can read basic HTML, and Java Script....<!--content-->Originally posted by cao825 <br />
Frontpage sucks soooooooooooooo bad<br />
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Im with cao, I never liked frontpage from the git go<!--content-->The main reason I hate it soooooo much is because it uses such horrible HTML which is not browser or user friendly at all.<!--content-->Originally posted by cao825 <br />
The main reason I hate it soooooo much is because it uses such horrible HTML which is not browser or user friendly at all. <br />
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yeh, I like to use both a wysiwig editor and html code editor. When I designed a site in frontpage, and wanted to make some changed in notepad... it was very messy<!--content-->Many people who are not web dev's and designers should use frontpage cos its simple to use and far better than MS Word thats become a real pain with trying to intergrate the web - well done Microsof you diffs.<br />
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As for Java rollovers you can not do better than ImageReady 2.0 and 3.0 - this comes with Photoshop 5.5 and 6.0 (not with photoshop elements)<br />
and is soo easy and intergrates with frame so you can do a complex navigation roll over system like my old web site <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><br />
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You may also find image maps in the cinema search done using this program. Infact ImageReady/photoshop is more powerful than people think - I have created many web show case web sites using Imageready(95% of work) and notepad (5%)include my portfolio <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><br />
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Fireworks is good and you can do .swf Flash files, and drop down menus and I think its is cheeper than photoshop, but still the overall power in looking good for profetional java/gif web work is Photoshop and every designer should have a copy.<!--content-->have you tried netscape composer (free) though? I mean frontpage is great and I have made some great sites with it ;), but when you try to get into the code of frontpage, it can be messy at times.<br />
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Netscape composer comes with netscape communicator. Has all the features of frontpage and the code comes out cleanly.<!--content-->Dreamweaver is the best HTML editor out there. It uses good HTML and has more functions than FrontPage. It is the best thing to use for people that are just learning Web Design, because if you learn off of FrontPage you will learn bad HTML and as they say, "Once you go black, you never go back". If you get what I am saying.<!--content-->Dreamweaver is cool but...<br />
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1) It is not creative enough - you need to use another program like a 3D application, Photoshop or freehand to make something real pritty and then import it into Dreamweaver.<br />
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2) "Teaches you good HTML" mmmm... it does creat the best HTML but so few people learn HTML from it. I've known VB and C++ programmers who have used Dreamweaver but they dont know how to HTML very well.<br />
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3) Dreamweaver is not good enough for advanced CGI, ASP, SQL intergration with the web on the highest level. Web designers should use Dreamweaver etc... but Web dev's should stay well clear of it (this comment is bound be very contravertial but I have good sources!)<!--content-->