right click


do any of you know the html for disabling the right click??<!--content-->Charles,<br />
Please, would you explain what the 'noContextMenu()' function is doing.<!--content-->Here's a code that I like to use to disable the R-click - it goes into your body tag, taking up very little space. I don't know why, but for me it only works when I place it at the beginning of the body tag, with the rest of the tags following:<br />
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oncontextmenu="return false"<br />
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that's it! If you want a little pop up message with some nasty - or sweetsy - comment, this won't work for you. It just works quietly - no messages, but the visitor cannot right click, either.<!--content-->Dave, I'm sorry. My mind must have briefly left my body. Can you still explain anyway?<!--content-->Ewww I find those so annoying. If you are going to disable right click why dont you put one of those nice little right click nav menus there? Thats what I would do because I hate having to move my mouse all the way over to the center of my screen to click "ok", Yes I am actually that lazy :)<!--content-->So what you are doing is not an alert its just nothing happend when you right click? Anyone with half a brain can get around right click alert scripts though. If its an image you want just take a screen shot. Know of any codes that clan block a screen shot?<!--content-->So what you are doing is not an alert its just nothing happend when you right click? <br />
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That is correct.<br />
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Anyone with half a brain can get around right click alert scripts though. <br />
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Yes, I am well aware of that. I also happen to have a whole brain - with gray matter and everything. It works quite well too, thanks just the same.<br />
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If its an image you want just take a screen shot. Know of any codes that clan block a screen shot? <br />
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I only use this for text - have no idea about a code to block a screenshot, but think that is an excellent question!<br />
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Hope someone else knows! Anyone!??<!--content-->There is no way to block a "screenshot". <br />
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Thanks, Dave - that answers that! ;) <br />
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Wouldn't someone have to be awfully desperate to take something off the 'net to go to the length of using a screenshot anyway? I was thinking about that after I read that question...<!--content-->Thats my point. If someonereally wants something they are going to get it eventually.<!--content-->A-men! :) <br />
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And then there will always be those who kid themselves that they are protecting their work, I guess. I've been to some graphic sites where I actually felt sorry for the person who made them - I know it's a lot of work and time, effort, etc., and they took all these measures to protect their work, but I also knew with one click of my mouse I could find the code to get any of the graphics I wanted - but I"m not a thief and don't need anyone's graphics THAT bad - besides, I hate guilt. ;) <br />
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What we need is a code to zap thieves when they attempt to steal graphics, code, what have you!<br />
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Well, hey - a gal can dream, right!?<!--content-->If you really want to protect your work the only way to do so is to get a copy wright and sew the person that takes it when he does. But the again they cant seem to get rid of these people who are pirating music on sites like winMX and formerly napster<!--content-->Well, that is probably the only way - but I just think it's a shame anyone would have to go to such lengths. Can you imagine that hassle? But, that's the world we live in today, isn't it. :(<!--content-->