Richtextbox in web application



I need to use a Richtextbox in a web application that I am developing with Visual It seems to only be available for use in windows applications. Does anyone know any way I could use it in a web application?

JoeIf you search for " richtextbox" in google you will see that there is many many server controls available that will give that kind of functionality some of them are freely available.

I suggest Download ing one of these and including it in your application.

You could create your own server control but the learning curve and time factors would not be in your favour.

I dont think that microsoft have released their own version of the rich text box for web development.

Good luck :)Thanks for your reply. I know what you mean, but I didn't intend to use the richtextbox as a text editor in its own right.

What I wanted it for was to write a piece of code to dynamically construct a report on the contents of a datagrid, and hold this report in the richtextbox, then save it as a Word file. I've done this before in a Windows application and it worked.

I wanted the richtextbox because it seems to be the only control which has a method to save to a Word file. Am I going about the problem the wrong way? I've read loads of articles on the web on creating Word files directly from Visual Studio, but none of them seem to get me anywhere.Do you want to save this file onto the server or the client machine?ClientI dont understand why you need to hold it in the rich text box?

You should be able to construct the word document and then save it on the server.

Then you will somehow have to provide the means for the user to Download the word document.

You could just store the file name and location of the file that was just created and then create a link to Download it on the page that displays the report.

If you need help with creating the document then this might get you started:

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Good luck :)