RFI's without Default Mail Delivery


I have an RFI (Request for Information) sheet, in which you input info and press "SEND" to send the info, via email, to us, through the default mail program in one's computer.<br />
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Ref:- <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.herbyenterprisesltd.com/index2.html">http://www.herbyenterprisesltd.com/index2.html</a><!-- m --> and go to Request for Info in the pull down menus.<br />
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BUT what if the user does not have a default email program?<br />
Or what if the user is using Netscape (which does't always support RFI's)?<br />
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Is there a way to have information entered on a web site and sent to us WITHOUT using the default mail program?<br />
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Or is this just a dumb question?<br />
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:p<br />
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Forgive me if this is in the wrong forum, but I really don't know what to file it under.<br />
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Thanks!<br />
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P.S. - What is involved in setting a customer up with a "secure" credit card transaction online? Is it complicated? Expensive?<!--content-->You can use a script (Perl/cgi, PHP, ASP, etc) that is supported by the server type you use that will send the data entered in a form to your email address. Search script archives for an email script, one very popular one is formmail.pl which is available for free at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.worldwidemart.com/scripts/">http://www.worldwidemart.com/scripts/</a><!-- m --> but there are plenty more out there.<br />
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Kevin<!--content-->very easy if you have access to serverside coding. mainly cgi but can be done in php or asp just as easily.<br />
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what you would need to do is code one yourself or just get a very popular one that is already done for you. you can get it here <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.worldwidemart.com/scripts/">http://www.worldwidemart.com/scripts/</a><!-- m --><br />
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this would eliminate the need for the user to have a default email program as it uses the sendmail from the server.<br />
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as far as setting up a secure server for credit cards I couldn't tell you. you miht want to try searching for merchant accounts and I here they can get expensive.<!--content-->Uh.....how do I incorporate this into an HTML file?<!--content-->well you have your form in the html already don't you? well all you need to do is change the action of that form and follow the directions on Matt's formmail.pl program and all should be well. your server must support perl to run this.<!--content-->