New Member
I'm looking to create an iframe on my site that contains, and I'd like to control it (see what product the user is at).I realize I can't do this because of browser security policy issues, and the only real workaround is to feed the entire page through my server.So I load the page and I change all the \[code\]href\[/code\] values from something like\[code\]grocery-breakfast-foods-snacks-organic/b/ref=sa_menu_gro7?ie=UTF8&node=16310101&pf_rd_p=328655101&pf_rd_s=left-nav-1&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_i=507846&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=1S4N4RYF949Z2NS263QP\[/code\] (the links on the site are relative) to \[code\]''.urlencode(theirlink)\[/code\].The problem is the amount of time this takes - plus PHP runs frequently out of memory doing this.Could I use mod_rewrite to rewrite all domains from:\[code\]\[/code\]to:\[code\]\[/code\]And if not, are there any better options rather then going through every \[code\]<a>\[/code\] tag?Thanks!