Rewrite Tags and Group URL's with vBSEO

This will rewrite your Tags and Groups to search engine friendly URL's if you are using vBSEO. These features came out on 3.7.0 after the current version of vBSEO was written, so vBSEO doesn't support these new URL's out of the box so this mod will.

In your vBSEO Admin panel, add the lines below to your "Custom Rewrite Rules" section.

'^group\.php\?groupid=(.+)$&do=manage' => 'group/$1&do=manage'
'^tags\.php\?tag=(.+)$' => 'tags/$1/'
'^tags\.php$' => 'tags/'
'^group\.php\?groupid=(.+)$' => 'group/$1/'
'^group\.php$' => 'group/'

Old Tag URL:

New Tag URL:

Old Group URL:

New Group URL:
Thanks dear.

but my groups urls became like this:

New Group URL:

it should be
Ayberk1122 said:
Album.php for rewrite rules ??

vBSEO haven't released any rewrite rules for the albums, they are releasing vBSEO 3.2.0 after vBulletin 3.7 goes gold. In the new vBSEO release it will include the album rewrites and others to make it fully compatible with the new vBulletin.

Give it a couple of weeks and we should have it. :)
'^tags\.php\?tag=(.+)$' => 'tags/$1/'
'^tags\.php$' => 'tags/'

Work not

Not Found
The requested document was not found on this server.