Reverse body unload


Hi,<br />
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I am writing an online questionnaire for where I work. <br />
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One of the features is to have a pop up window that asks the users to fill in the questionnaire. We agreed that it should persistantly pop up 3 times before going should they try and close the pop up.....this is irritating, but this is quite a high profile survey.<br />
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I'm achieving this by using the <body onunload> tag. <br />
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Is there a way of stopping this from running should the person agree to fill in the questionnaire, as at the moment, I'm using location.href to divert to the survey, but this is treated as onunload and the next pop up is opened.<br />
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Something like onwindowclose doesn't exist which would be handy. If you can think of another way of having a persistant pop up, I'd like to hear about it!!<br />
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Any ideas on stopping the onunload?<br />
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Cheer,<br />
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Neil.<!--content-->Its ok. I'm using cookies to control the popups!<br />
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