New Member
Hi searched through the questions here, but couldn't find anything. I'm new at writing PHP and jQuery, so bear with me.What I'm trying to do is send an ajax request using jQuery to my script which runs a mysql query on data from my database and serializes it into the JSON format using php's json_encode. The response is then parsed with the available json2.js script. All of this works fine, but I'd also like to return more data other than just JSON from this script. mainly, i'd like to also echo the following line before the json_encode:\[code\]echo "<h1 style='margin-left: 25px;'>$num_rows Comments for $mysql_table</h1>";\[/code\]however, my jQuery is evaluating the entire response during the ajax success, making the json.parse function fail due to the script's return being in an invalid format.\[code\] success: function(data) { //retrieve comments to display on page by parsing them to a JSON object var obj = JSON.parse(data); //loop through all items in the JSON array for (var x = 0; x < obj.length; x++) { //Create a container for the new element var div = $("<div>").addClass("bubble").appendTo("#comments"); //Add author name and comment to container var blockquote = $("<blockquote>").appendTo(div); $("<p>").text(obj[x].comment).appendTo(blockquote); var cite = $("<cite>").appendTo(div); $("<strong>").text(obj[x].name).appendTo(cite); $("<i>").text(obj[x].datetime).appendTo(cite); } $("#db").attr("value", '' + initialComments + ''); } \[/code\]does anyone know how i can return the html line as well as the json_encode to use this script for more than just json population?thankyou, this website has been wonderful in answering my noob questions.my php:`\[code\] for ($x = 0, $numrows = mysql_num_rows($result); $x < $numrows; $x++) {$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $comments[$x] = array("name" => stripslashes($row["name"]), "comment" => stripslashes($row["comment"]), "datetime" => date("m/d/Y g:i A", strtotime($comment['datetime']))); }//echo "<h1 style='margin-left: 25px;'>$num_rows Comments for $mysql_table</h1>";$response = json_encode($comments);echo $response;`\[/code\]