I am getting values from different tables i var type and I want to return them. What should be the return type of the function:-\[code\] public void getlist() { try { using (ShowDataToClientDataContext c = new ShowDataToClientDataContext()) { var recList = (from record in c.GetTable<T_RECORDSHOW>() where record.RecordStatus.Equals(RecordStatus.Active) select new { Student = (from stu in c.T_STUDENTSHOWs where stu.Id.Equals(record.StudentId) select stu.Name).Single().ToString(), Trade = (from t in c.T_TRADESHOWs where t.Id.Equals(record.TradeId) select t.Name).Single().ToString(), SessionId = (from s in c.T_SESSIONSHOWs where s.Id.Equals(record.SessionId) select s.Name).Single().ToString(), Month = record.Month.ToString(), Attendance = record.Attendance.ToString(), }).ToList(); return recList; } } catch { } }\[/code\]anybody there to help me?