retrieving XML as Recordset to asp


Staff member
Hi!I wonder if anyone knows how I can work around a problem with retrievinga recordset from a vb-component to the asp-page. The problem occurs whenworking with XML-persist.I get the following errorerror '80004005'Unspecified error/xxx.asp, line xThe code is checked against Microsoft code and looks the same.There is an answer <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="in">in ... /36.ASPbut</a><!-- m --> I don't understand what I should do because the XML to Recordset is donewith builtin VB-functions.Code exampleFirst I save the recordset as a BLOBSet st = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")rsInRecordset.Save st, adPersistXMLThen I get the datastrXML = ConvertBLOBToString(rs, "State")Set st = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")st.Openst.WriteText strXMLst.Position = 0Set rsXML = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")rsXML.CursorLocation = adUseClientrsXML.Open st, , , , adCmdUnknownSet MyFunction = rsXMLAnd in the asp-pagedim rsAuthorset rsAuthor = objWebState.MyFunction()Normal recordsets can be returned without problems.Thanks in advanceLars