i am getting all cell value from table from sql server studio to asp.net 4.0 ide. but i dont know why but every value is automatically appended with 3 spaces. and i am not able to trim those values also. so i m not able to compare those values with values like password value from textbox. And i am using linq query and linq to sql dbml files. can anyone tell me whats happening with me? and how to resolve this issue.Thnks.here is code:\[code\] DataClasses1DataContext dj = new DataClasses1DataContext(); var pwd = from p in dj.USERs where p.USER_NAME.ToLower().Trim() == _userName.Text.ToString().ToLower().Trim() select new { p.PASSWORD }; var utype = from u in dj.USERs where u.USER_NAME.ToLower().Trim() == _userName.Text.ToString().ToLower().Trim() select new { u.USER_TYPE }; if (_password.Text.ToString() == pwd.ToString().Trim()) //**in above line i m getting pwd.tostring() values to "admin " //_password.text value "admin" .. so it fails to trim and hence compare.** { if (Session["username"] == null) { Session["username"] = _userName.Text.ToString().ToLower(); } } else { _wrongDetails.Text = "Wrong UserName or Password Entered!"; }\[/code\]