retrieve specific value from sql table


New Member
I have divided login to 2 parts one for admin and one for user,they`re differentiated through TypeID field which has values 1 and 2I want to make function that check the TypeID to decide the response redirect pageI got this so far\[code\]Public Shared Function CheckUser(ByVal usename As String) As Int32 Const sql = "SELECT TypeID FROM Registration where usename = @UserName" Using con As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("RegconnectionString").ConnectionString) Using cmd = New SqlCommand(sql, con) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TypeID", usename) con.Open() Dim x As Integer = cmd.ExecuteScalar Return x End Using End UsingEnd Function\[/code\]the input for this function will be the text coming from textUserName.text