(retarded) newbie: unable to understand delegate w/ java background


Howdy, trying to dig into C# .net, everything seems going pretty smooth except "delegate". I went to many diff pages and everything when I thought I understand, my programming/compiler proved I don't :P

here's one of my biggest confuse:

public class DelegateTest
public delegate void Print (String s);
public static void Main()
Print s = new Print (toConsole);
Display (s);

public static void toConsole (String str)

public static void Display(Print pMethod)
pMethod("This should be displayed in the console");

confusion (1) Print s = new Print (toConsole);
what the hell, i thought to invoke toConsole you need to pass in the parameter (in this case str) how come this "delegate" is not doing it?

confusion (2) since i have a method sitting outside of the main class: Display
why not do something like this (easier?):

public class DelegateTest2
public static void Main()
Display("This should be displayed in the console")
public static void Display(string str)

maybe i'm too stupid to understand this concept, but i just failed to see the value of using delegate...

please help enlight me