Retain Vertical scroll bar but disallow horizontal scroll bar in a Frame?


Hey guys~<br />
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I'm brand new to frames (don't like them at all actually ... but, it's a "requirement" for this project). I've got a page with a left frame and a right frame. I have the frameset created with the following attributes:<br />
<br />
Cols=200,* frameborder="0" bordercolor="#cccc99" name="outerframe" id="outerframe" framespacing="0"<br />
<br />
Now, in the left frame, I have a simple table with a single TR and two TD's. In the first (left) TD is an image (client logo) which has a width of 135. In the second (right) TD I have an image with a width of 65 (my thought being that those two add up to the 200 width of the left frame). In the right frame I have a graphic across the top of the frame. The second image (right TD) in the left frame matches up with the header graphic at the top of the right frame to lend simple continuity from frame to frame. However, for some reason I'm getting a space (I don't' know, maybe 10 pixels wide) which is showing up to the right of the simple table in the left frame. This is causing a Horizontal scroll bar to appear in the left frame. If I remove the second image (in the right TD of the simple table at the top of the left frame) this space disappears. <br />
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My first question is, why is this space showing up to the right of the simple table in the left frame?<br />
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My second question is, can I disable ONLY the horizontal scroll bar?<!--content-->Use percentages instead of pixel numbers for the tables and frames. This way, the page will always look pretty much the same on all resolutions (as long as the percentages add up to 100 and not more :)).<!--content-->Originally posted by prodeveloping <br />
Use percentages instead of pixel numbers for the tables and frames. This way, the page will always look pretty much the same on all resolutions (as long as the percentages add up to 100 and not more :)). <br />
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"prodeveloping"~<br />
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Thanx much for your reply ... unfortunately, I'm afraid I don't understand how to apply your offered solution. I have no problem with using percentages in my table attributes (I routinely do this with other projects) ... however, I don't see how I can use a percentage for frame sizes (COLS value) because I need the left frame to be the exact size (width) of the two images at the top of it (combined, of course). The right most image at the top of the left frame needs to visually "flow" into the image at the top of the right frame. Therefore, if I use percentages ... there is the possibility that the left frame could become smaller (or, I guess, even larger) than the width of the two images at the top of it. Please correct me if I'm misunderstanding something about your suggestion.<br />
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I thank you again for contributing your thoughts to my question. If you (or anyone else) can come up with any other thoughts, I would greatly appreciate your input.<br />
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Thanx again,<!--content-->are you useing topmargin=0 and rightmargin=0 and all that good stuff in the html of the left frame?<!--content-->Originally posted by scoutt <br />
are you useing topmargin=0 and rightmargin=0 and all that good stuff in the html of the left frame? <br />
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"scoutt"~<br />
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Thanx for your reply. Here's everything in my page (frameset wise) which creates the framesets and frames:<br />
<br />
<frameset Cols=200,* frameborder="0" bordercolor="#cccc99" name="outerframe" id="outerframe" framespacing="0"><br />
<frame name="tree" src="RepTree.asp" border="0" scrolling="auto" bordercolor="#cccc99" frameborder="0" rightmargin="0" leftmargin="0"><br />
<frameset Rows=350,* frameborder="0" bordercolor="#cccc99" name="innerframe" id="innerframe"><br />
<frame name="report" src="RepEmptyReport.asp" border="0" bordercolor="#cccc99" scrolling="yes"><br />
<frame name="options" src="RepUserSelections.asp" border="0" bordercolor="#cccc99"><br />
</frameset><br />
</frameset><br />
<br />
Then, the first table in my left frame is as follows:<br />
<br />
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><br />
<tr><br />
<td valign="top"><br />
<A target=_parent href="../HOM/Index.asp"><img src="<%= gImg %>logo.gif" width=135 height=104 border=0 alt=""></a><br><br />
</td><br />
<TD valign="TOP"><br />
<img src="../IMG/app/topNarrowSpacer-65.gif" width="65" height="33" border="0" alt=""><br />
</td><br />
</tr><br />
</table><br />
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Thanx for any additionaly suggestions anyone can offer,<!--content-->That makes sense :)!<br />
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Is it possible that you could post the code (on geocities or somethin if you don't have a server available)? That way, everyone would understand.<br />
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I think I could give you a solution, but I'm not positive what your problem is.<br />
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Thanks!<br />
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P.S. Sorry about the % frame thing. I hadn't read the original post very well :).<!--content-->Originally posted by prodeveloping <br />
Is it possible that you could post the code (on geocities or somethin if you don't have a server available)? That way, everyone would understand.<br />
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P.S. Sorry about the % frame thing. I hadn't read the original post very well :). <br />
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"prodeveloping'~<br />
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I'm sorry ... this is a "client development" project which I'm working on. As a matter of fact, I "inherited" the current code from previous developers. But, the main point is that, due to a pretty strict "Non-Disclosure" ... I can't really allow anyone (even you folks who are kind enough to try helping out) to see the site. In a previous post, I included the frame set code and the table at the top of the left frame ... my thinking being that this may indeed be enough for a "Frames Expert" which, admittedly I am NOT, to point out the flaw or possible solution.<br />
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Thanx again.<br />
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As for the apology ... absolutely no need to apologize. I appreciate your help.<!--content-->Try some frame tutorials:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> - very informative<br />
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Good Luck!<br />
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If you could make illustrated pictures or something it would be great.<br />
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Take a screenshot and modify the protected pics on the page or something, anything! I really want to help, but am not sure how.<!--content-->how a rough mock up of the code to show the problem withut showing the actual page. CUT out all of the content, and then show us some code.<!--content-->whay do you have a <br> tag in this cell if it is the only thing in it?<br />
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<td valign="top"> <br />
<A target=_parent href="../HOM/Index.asp"><img src="<%= gImg %>logo.gif" width=135 height=104 border=0 alt=""></a><br> <br />