Responsive grid 2 columns need to be the same height


New Member
I have a responsive website that has a main content area (\[code\].content-wrapper\[/code\]) and a sidebar area (\[code\].search-listing\[/code\]). I need the two columns to be the same height. Currently I was trying to use the following:\[code\]jQuery(document).ready(function() { var divone = jQuery(".search-listing").height(); var divtwo = jQuery(".content-wrapper").height(); var maxdiv = Math.max(divone, divtwo); jQuery(".search-listing").height(maxdiv); jQuery(".content-wrapper").height(maxdiv);});\[/code\]But the problem is that \[code\].search-listing\[/code\] starts down on the page further than \[code\].content-wrapper\[/code\]. You can see it here: sidebar is the same height but I need to subtract some pixels because the div .search-listing is starting down on the page in a different spot than .content-wrapper. Any help would be very much appreciated!