:queasy: I trying to find the command which tells you the last auto index after an insert query to a database, i know there is one i sae it yesterday, just cant find it again today.
Any help greatly appreciatedoops wrong forum.... can it be moved to php code?More like Database
Anyway, it depends on which database system you use.it is a mysql database, i thought it was just a simpl php command/..Whatever it is, it will be listed among the MySQL functions, then.
mysql_affected_rows -- Get number of affected rows in previous MySQL operation
mysql_change_user -- Change logged in user of the active connection
mysql_client_encoding -- Returns the name of the character set
Oh, whatever. I'd be bound to come across it sooner or later if it's there.
Any help greatly appreciatedoops wrong forum.... can it be moved to php code?More like Database
Anyway, it depends on which database system you use.it is a mysql database, i thought it was just a simpl php command/..Whatever it is, it will be listed among the MySQL functions, then.
mysql_affected_rows -- Get number of affected rows in previous MySQL operation
mysql_change_user -- Change logged in user of the active connection
mysql_client_encoding -- Returns the name of the character set
Oh, whatever. I'd be bound to come across it sooner or later if it's there.