[RESOLVED] conversion from UTF-8 to other languages


How can i convert string value it may be in (english, Greek, spanish) language in UTF-8 and then i want to convert this UTF-8 value to another languge like (english, Greek, spanish)

Can it is possible if yes then how?To another language or another charset?

mb_convert_encoding()PHP cannot convert text into another language - to do that you must translate it.

You should not change from UTF-8 to anything else, as it is almost certainly the only encoding which can do what you want. Just use utf-8 everywhere - remember to ensure that your database and/or anything else are interpreting UTF-8 correctly.

MarkThanks MarkR,
I am using UTF-8 to convert all languages to UTF-8 but i think its not possible to translate it to another language but my problem is solved i just want to save diffrence language in database so i convert it in UTF-8 and urlencode and save it to database and again when i need display i just back up procedure and show if you know to convert a language to another language then please tell me

Again Thanks for this help.