

can anyonne help i want 2 change the resolution inside a frame so that everybody that visits the page will get 2 view the page eg. 800x600.<br />
is there a script or html code for this?<!--content-->Hi, F@bio, thanks for registering. Many people will appreciate that. <br />
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I don't think that you can change the resolution of your visitor's monitor. It's his resolution. not yours.<!--content-->Originally posted by whkoh <br />
Hi, F@bio, thanks for registering. Many people will appreciate that. <br />
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I don't think that you can change the resolution of your visitor's monitor. It's his resolution. not yours. <br />
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We do definately appreciate you registering! (watch out for that bird!)<br />
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Resoultion: You can make your page layout in tables... fixed width and height. That way the page renders the same no matter what settings the user has. As whkoh stated, you cannot change the users settings for his individual computer. <br />
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One last word about resolution: Many designers 'lock in' their webpage layout for resolutions of 800x600. While this is all fine and good with the majority of surfers using 800x600, a new resolution is making a big wave through the net..... 1024x768(it is the second most used resolution.) Most of the new laptops support this resolution, and many newer pc's also support it. The problem? The web pages which are 'locked in' at 800x600 don't look as well. The content is usually left aligned, and there is an ackward space left over in the page. It is at least nice to have the contents centered. <br />
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I think it is as important to display your pages in the two most common resolutions (800x600 and 1024x768) as it is to make sure your pages render equally in IE and Netscape (#1 and #2 web browsers). This isn't an easy task, but it really allows for you to target the most surfers. <br />
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I know some people will disagree with me on the page layout for dual resolutions, but it is something that you will eventually have to deal with. There will be a day where 1024x768 is the major player in resolutions.<!--content-->