

how do i get my images and everything else to resize correctly without overlapping each other, when the screen size changes? does this make sense>><!--content-->You want everything to resize when a different resolution or screen size views your site correct? by default the browser assigns scrolll bars but if you want the images to resize just put the width or height as a percent. Make sure its one or the other bescause the other changes in proportion be defalt. so your image would be like <img src="yourimage.format" width="100%"> I have forgotten if thats 100% of the images regular size or 100% of the table cell or page it is in. Try it and play with the values a bit. Images will never overlap eachother by the way. They might missalign and be in positions you dont want them to be in but they will never overlap. Unless one is a background image or something<!--content-->Do you mean when you minimize your browser, your pictures are over-lapping? I used to have this problem in my tables all the time but there a a few things that can cause this...if that's what you mean, can you give us the link? Maybe I can help - if I can I sure will cos I know how frustrating that is! :rolleyes:<!--content-->Usually, if you use a percentage for a tag's height or width property it is that percent of the window or table/div/span that it is nested within.<br />
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Images can overlap, post a link and someone should be able to help you.<!--content-->hey<br />
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thanks for replying everyone, my website is at<br />
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<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><br />
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if i put the images as a percentage then wont they get distorted unless they are matched up with the exact megapixel width which they are now????<br />
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there not in a table, they are arranged using dhtml<br />
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thanks<!--content-->I see where the house looks like it is over lapping the hammer image but I dont see where that is a bad thing. Like you only see it when you hylight the image. Im using 1024 by 786 resolution. I changed my browser window size and did a few other thing but could not get them to do anything that would be considered "bad". The dhtml whould keep them from distorting however. You are right about that. But what about this option. Redirect the user to an identical homepage depending on his or her resolution. The only difference is those dhtml positions and the sizes of those images. This whould eliminate the problem but it whould mean more work when you do to update the site and more work right now.<!--content-->Ohhhh....when I minimize my browser (still at 800 by 600), I can see that your text on your top frame is overlapping the blue part on the page - is that what you're talking about? That should be fixed but Im so sorry - :( - I never worked with frames or dhtml... <br />
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When I maximize my browser, the top looks good, but on the bottom, the blue part, your text is overlapping the picture (or the picture is overlapping the text!) on the right - gosh, wish I knew what to tell you...<!--content-->