Resizing html row


New Member
I have a table that contains a row and a cell. The cell contains a label1, selectbox1, label2, selectbox2 and I want some spacing to increase as the page increases, so I have a span that's width is set to a percent. However, when I do this it causes the content of that cell to go off the page and my scroll bar will not scroll over far enough to view the full content.If I set the span width to ##px it works, but I need it to be a percent?I'm not actually using \[code\]<label> and <selectbox>\[/code\]. I'm just using those as a reference to make it look cleaner and still be understandable.\[code\]<table> <tr> <td> <label1/> <selectBox1/> <span style="width:10%; display:inline-block"></span> <label2/> <SelectBox2/> </td> </tr></table\[/code\]Everything has been set to width:100%.I cannot give each its on cell because this page was poorly created (before me).