Resizing Browser to fit webpage?


Hi,<br />
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First of all, I know very little about html or webdesign. I made a small page to showcase some work. When I hit the work button, I load a new webpage into the browser. I think this page is 450x300 pixels. I want the browser to size down to <br />
page size and have no navagational elements above. Is there some code I can insert into the page to make this work. If so, where do I need to inser it? <br />
I created the site with photoshop/imageready. Also, on my index page, I would like to have the browser shrink to fit that, but I guess I need the navagational elements. Thanks for the help!<br />
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Wes<!--content-->This is really a bad idea. If you must do it, open a new window (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) that is sized as you need.<!--content-->Leave MY browser the way I have it and design YOUR page so that fits whatever settings I have (which include window dimensions, font size, etc)<!--content-->