New Member
Ok, what I got is the following: multiple svg images with different widths/heights that are inserted into html via css. I want to scale them all to the same width but that does not work (at least not in Safari, Chrome and Firefox).html:\[code\]<h4 class="before" id="foo">Foo</h4><h4 class="before" id="bar">Bar</h4><h4 class="before" id="foobar">Foobar</h4>\[/code\]css:\[code\].before:before { width: 20px; }#foo:before { content:url('foo.svg'); }#bar:before { content:url('bar.svg'); }#foobar: before { content:url('foobar.svg'); }\[/code\]How could I resize those svg images so that they are displayed with 20px width each (but don't change the svg itself)?