Reseting form fields to initial state


New Member
I am using the below code using Jquery to set my form fields\[code\] $("#frmlogin").reset()\[/code\]above is the code I use to reset the fields in the below form\[code\]<form name='frmlogin' method='POST' id="login_form" style="margin:0 auto; margin-top:50px; width: 40%; height:300px; text-align:center;"> <input class="oFormJumbo oFormMed oInputText" type="text" name="requiredLogin" placeholder="Login Id" AUTOCOMPLETE=OFF /> <div class="cleaner h10"></div> <input class="oFormJumbo oFormMed oInputText " type="password" value="" name="password" placeholder="Password" AUTOCOMPLETE=OFF onfocus="changetoUpperCase(document.frmlogin.requiredLogin.value);" /> <div class="cleaner h10"></div> <a href="javascript:fp();">Forgot Password?</a> <div class="cleaner"></div> <input style="margin-left:0px; " class="submit_btn float_l" type="button" value=" In" name="Sign In" onClick="javascript:func_get_data();"/> <input style="margin-left: 200px; " class="submit_btn float_r" type="button" value="" id="reset" name="reset" onclick="javascript:Reset()"/> </form>\[/code\]For some reason the code is not working. The JavaScript is throwing the following exception\[code\]TypeError: $("#frmlogin").reset is not a function[Break On This Error] $("#login_form").reset()\[/code\]Can anyone Tell me Why is it not working?. I have included Jquery.js.