I'm sure this must have been mentioned/asked before but have been searching for an age with no luck, my terminology must be wrong!I vaguely remember a tweet I saw a while ago that suggested there was a css rule available that would remove any styles previously set in the stylesheet for a particular element.A good use example might be in a mobile-first RWD site where much of the styling used for a particular element in the small-screen views needs 'resetting' or removing for the same element in the desktop view.A css rule that could achieve something like:\[code\].element { all: none;}\[/code\]Eaxmple usage:\[code\]/* mobile first */.element { margin: 0 10; transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); z-index: 50; display: block; etc.. etc..}@media only screen and (min-width: 980px) { .element { all: none; }}\[/code\]So we could quickly remove or re-set styling without having to declare every property.Make sense?