Reservation Form?<


Hey everyone, I posted this elsewhere, but they told me this might be the best place to post we go:

Hey guys,
Not sure if this is in the right place, but here's what I need...wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction...

I run at theater company, I want to set up an audition, but I want to do it all online. Basically I want them to fill out a form with all their info (name, address, phone, email, etc.) and then select an audition time from a pulldown menu. When they hit submit I want one of two things to happen: 1.)If the audition time they have picked is available I want a message to pop up and say something like "Congrats you are registered for that slot" AND send them a follow up email saying the same thing OR 2.) If the slot they picked is full I want a message to pop up and say something like "I am sorry that slot is full please choose another time".

In addition I want an email sent to me everytime someone submits that form.

Is this doable? Is there an easy way to do it?

Remember I am a graphic designer that has a fairly decent handling of the web (I did <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> all by myself) but I am not a programming whiz, so the simpler the better.

Thanks in advance.

Jasonvery doable. just read the FAQ in this forum to get the code so you can send email. for the other part you have to be checking something like a database to see if that slot is available. not sure how you plan on checking for that.Yeah, database is your answer. If you use PHP you may use a mail() funcion to send an email. All you need - is a scripting language :) you should learn one.