I'm trying to make simple ftp client in Node.js. Everything works fine, but I don't know how to write "singleFile.name" in my Jade template.\[code\]app.post('/ftp/login', function(req, res){ ftp.ls("/directory", function(err, files){ if (err) return console.error(err); files.forEach(function(singleFile) { if (singleFile != null){ console.log(singleFile.name + "<br>"); } }); }); res.render('ftpLogin', { host: fHost, username: fUsername, port: fPort});});\[/code\]There's no problem without "res.render", but i want add it into my template.\[code\]res.writeHead(200, {"Content-type" : "text/html; charset=utf-8"});[...]res.write(singleFile.name + "<br>");[...]res.end();\[/code\]I'm newbie (3 days Node learning), so I will be glad for all your responses to mistakes.Thank you!