[REQUEST] Spend Rep Points On A Link Hack


New Member
Hey guys, I run a music sharing forum where DJ's upload their music and people can reply to download them.

The problem is, we have too many people not uploading and doing more downloading than they should, so I had a good idea for this hack:

When someone starts a topic and hides a link, they earn a 'Rep Point', credited to their balance, and every reply to that thread will earn them a rep point credited to their balance. The hidden link will require a reply to be revealed, but a reply will cost, say 5 rep points for example. Only people with 5 rep points in their balance may reply, and the reply will result in 5 rep points deducted from the users balance. So the more topics you post with hidden links, and the more people that reply to them, the more points you have to spend on replying to other threads to reveal hidden links.

Now I very much doubt something like this exists, but is anyone willing to make this? I could even pay if it comes to that, I really need this for my forum.

Thanks alot guys,
