Does anyone know how to send a value from one page to two different pages in ASP.NET. Thank you for your time and help.I think it's pretty much like Classic ASP. I'm using the following to send data from an aspx page to the page noted:<BR><BR>Response.Redirect("ChartXML1.aspx?Title=" & strTitle & "&intCounts=" & intCounts & "&strValues=" & strValues & " &strLabels=" & strLabels)<BR><BR>The page being called is ChartXML1.aspx and the values for Title, Counts, Values and Labels are being passed. strValues and strLabels are actually two arrays that have been converted to comma delimited strings.<BR><BR>On the receiving end I grab the values as follows:<BR><BR>Dim strValues As String = Request.QueryString("strValues")<BR>Dim strLabels As String = Request.QueryString("strLabels")<BR><BR>You should be able to pass your values to any other page using this basic set up.<BR><BR>Good luck<BR>Tomttthis is what I have, A parent page with two frames that are datagrids and three text boxes. what I want is to pass a value from a record in frame1 to the text boxes on the parent page and also pass it to frame2 to populate the datagrid base on that value. I had it working in asp, but I am having trouble with do you know haow I can do this.Since you aren't really calling a new page, the response.redirect with a querystring doesn't do much good. On the other hand, you could put data values (or dataset) into either a session variable or the system Cache.<BR><BR>Session variables are nice since they are session specific, but there seems to be some issues with session variables when working from a web farm (same issue for classic ASP).<BR><BR>Placing objects in the Cache would make them available to other pages, but you need to be session specific in your naming conventions to avoid grabbing the wrong object.<BR><BR>I use the following code to place a dataset into the cache. Notice that I use the Session.SessionID as the object name. This seems a pretty safe way to uniquely idenfity the object you are after.<BR><BR>Cache.Add(Session.SessionID,objDataSet, Nothing, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(20), TimeSpan.Zero, CacheItemPriority.High, Nothing)<BR><BR>This places the objDataSet into cache for 20 minutes under the name Session.SessionID. The rest of the code are various parameters about how important keeping the data is. You can find all the parameters in the SDK documentation.<BR><BR>To retrieve the data just use a Cache.Get statement in the receiving page:<BR><BR>Dim objDataSet As New DataSet("objDataSet") <BR><BR>objDataSet = Cache.Get(session.sessionID)<BR><BR>The only thing to remember is to clean up cached objects you no longer need since they take up server resources.<BR><BR>Good Luck<BR>Tomtt<BR><BR><BR>