request.querystring problem


hi all,

i have this line of code on one page:

<td width="4"><input type ="hidden" name="id" value="<%Response.write objrs("p_id")%>" size="1"></td>
<td width="169"><a href='"&objrs("p_id")&"'><%Response.Write objrs("first_name")%> <%Response.Write objrs("surname")%></a></td>

and this on the page that is called:

" [Personnel].[p_id] = "& Request.querystring("p_id")

However, all i keep getting back is a syntax error (missing operator)

all i want to do i get the id value from one page to the next!!

any ideas how i can sort this problem out?

thanx in advanceIs this all there is to this line...
" [Personnel].[p_id] = "& Request.querystring("p_id")

If so, that line is the problem.
That value should be the assignment to some variable.
Something like...

strWhereClause = " [Personnel].[p_id] = "& Request.querystring("p_id")

Is that the issue, or am I missing a piece of your code?