Request on 20/2/2551

Ok here are the first 4 of your request. Dont have time to do the others right now, maybe someone can help you further or I can help again later on.

Thanks! Mobile Phone Payment Mod


VBulletin (3.6 higher)
Tested & Working fine on 3.7 (beta 2 + 3)
Onebip Merchant Account (Free)

What does this do?

This will add a thanks page to your forums that your visitors will see after making a payment with their mobile phone.

What is Onebip?

Onebip is a service for anyone who doesn't use paypal or would like to add more payment methods onto their website. Users can simply pay for products / services or even donate just by using their mobile / cell phone.

How to install

Log into your Onebip merchant account.
Setup the site details that you will be taking payment on
On the "thanks url", put the URL address to this script (
Set all your product options etc.


You will be given HTML code on the next step, add that to wherever you want it. I have mine set on FORUMHOME.

Upload thanks.php to forum root
Import product-thanks.xml via the plugin's / products system
Edit the template if needed (Styles / Templates >> Thanks)


vB Database Backup

vBulletin 3.7 Version
Please remember to click Mark as Installed if you use this modification.
Support questions from members who have not marked this as installed will be considered low priority.

Note: Because I did not write the original version, but rather have modified & adapted it, support of this modification may be limited

When vb 3.5 first came out I was using this backup system on my vb 3.0 - and having nothing better to use - I converted it to work on vb 3.5 (here) and since then I have cut it down and adapted it, first for vb 3.6 and now for vb3.7.

The original version was by Trigunflame and the rights to the code were bought by Zoints (D.Chapman) in January. In 2007 David gave me permission to release my adaptation.

I have stripped out much of the extra stuff that I do not use (or indeed, could not get to work). This is a simple (lite) version that does a php based dump of your database either as one file, or one file per table.

* I will not add anything new to this, or spend vast amounts of time supporting it.
* This is a Lite version to allow people to use the basic backup functionality on 3.7.


Lucky Thread

This hack redirects the user to a various thread when they click "Lucky" button on the navbar. This is like Google's lucky button. Let's see what is your lucky subject.

Go to your admin cp, then:
Plugin System -> Manage Products -> [Add/Import Product] -> Select 'product-lucky.xml' from your computer then press 'Import'

Modifications Info

Plugin : 3
Phrases : 1
Template : 1
Setting : 0

Manuel Template Change

Open navbar template

add below

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a rel="nofollow" href="misc.php?do=lucky">$vbphrase[lucky]</a></td>

Nested Quotes 1.0
by ChriStrato -

Hi guys!

i have made a product / plugin for show any quoted posts from that post and not only the quote of the post in question.

I have realesed 2 xml files:

1) Is the product (product-nested_quotes-1.0.xml):

You can enable/disable for each forum this features.


Go to: AdminCP -> Plugins & Product -> Product Manager -> Import Product
Select the file "product-nested_quotes-1.0.xml" and upload.
Go to: AdminCP -> Forums & Moderator -> Forum Manager
Click Go on one forum and see on the bottom of page for set the options.

2) The plugin (plugin-nested_quotes.xml):

Enable for all forum this features.


Go to: AdminCP -> Plugins & Product -> Download / Upload Plugin
Import the xml file: "plugin-nested_quotes.xml"
here are the bottom 4...

next time please know there is a 5 mod limit on requests. meaning dont request more than 5 at the one time.

Separate Sticky and Normal Threads

Go to your admin cp, then:
Plugin System -> Manage Products -> [Add/Import Product] -> Select 'product-Separate.xml' from your computer then press 'Import'

Separate Sticky and Normal Threads Setting

Go to your admin cp, then:
vBulletin Options -> Forum Display Options (forumdisplay) ->
Separate Sticky and Normal Threads (Yes/No)


Usernames color


This hack display usernames with color everywhere on your forum. Now, usernames appear with color in your forums (forumdisplay), on your index (in last reply column), etc


Hack Version: 1.1
vBulletin version: vBulletin 3.6



Import the product "product-color_pseudos.xml". (Plugins & Products >> Manage Products >> [Add/Import Product])

File Edits

In the file "functions_forumlist.php" in the folder "includes", Find:

eval('$forum[\'lastpostinfo\'] = "' . fetch_template('forumhome_lastpostby') . '";');

Add above:

($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('colorname')) ? eval($hook) : false;


Upload the file "hooks_colorname" in your forlder ./includes/xml


Different Cell Color for Stickies

What this modification does is change the td cell background color for a sticky thread when viewing a thread listing.

see install.txt


Custom Usernames

This thread is now in the Modification Graveyard.

This is a very simple modification that involves a simple plug-in. I'm sure almost everyone already knows how to do this, but I've had a few people who are new to vBulletin ask me how to do this, so I thought I would post it up for other people like that to find.

With this plug-in, you can mask any user's username with a custom name. You can even have an image as a name.

Set the hook location to fetch_musername and use the following code:

if ($user['userid']==1){ 
    $user['musername'] = "<b><i><u><font color=\"#005599\">AllenSam</font></u></i></b>"; 

Change the 1 to the user's userid and change the html within the quotes to anything you want your name to be. To use an image you would put:

if ($user['userid']==1){ 
    $user['musername'] = "<img src=\"imageurl.gif\" border=\"0\">"; 

Make sure you add \'s before any quotes you use within the HTML, or it will result in an error. You can also use single quotes.

If you don't want to make a single plug-in for each user, you can put them all in the same plug-in like this:

if ($user['userid']==1){ 
    $user['musername'] = "<b><i><u><font color=\"#005599\">AllenSam</font></u></i></b>"; 
if ($user['userid']==2){ 
    $user['musername'] = "<img src=\"imageurl.gif\" border=\"0\">"; 
if ($user['userid']==3){ 
    $user['musername'] = "<blink><sub>BillyBob</sub></blink>"; 