Request info on creating web interface


Staff member
I'm attempting to delve into the world of building a multi-media website--one that has a graphic interface, Flash movies, and sound. I've got some decent experience building websites and creating graphics (see links to my sites at the end of this post), but I've never attempted anything like this before. For starters, I need clarification on a couple of issues.<br />
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First the interface. I'm confident I can create the individual graphic components (widgets and objects) for the interface but I don't know how one puts it all together into a seamless presentation with rollovers, links, sound effects, et al.<br />
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Second, I eventually want to add Flash movies to the website so that, when a visitor clicks a button on the interface, the movie plays below or to the side of the interface.<br />
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I know this is quite an ambitious undertaking, but for starters, I need a broad overview the of how to do all of this, as well as what software tools to use, so I know where to begin. I know it's going to take a lot of learning and practice on my part, but eventually, I'd like to be able to build websites like this:<br />
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whpacejr<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->that site is all flash. Do you know flash?<!--content-->Right now I have a rudimentary knowledge Flash and can make simple Flash movies. I can also make navigational buttons & rollovers in Flash, add audio/sounds, and understand how to link the buttons to a URL. What is not so clear to me is how I make a site that integrates those features with my graphical interface I'm creating separately with Paint Shop Pro. I mean, do I need another programs like Macromedia's Fireworks and Dreamweaver to integrate all of these?<!--content-->ok, heres the deal: You can use your PSP graphics in flash, BUT with a hit on Download <!--more--> time. That because they arent vector graphics.... so they wont scal well. If you use macromedia freehand, or another vector graphic tool, you'll integrate right into flash. Basically what I'm saying is that you DONT want to create a big PSP template, and then try to use it in flash. Instead create it all in flash, or do your graphics in vector formatin a vector editor.<!--content-->